How To Increase Performance Without Feeling Tired And Exhausted?

How To Increase Performance Without Feeling Tired And Exhausted?

We believe in working at our full potential and giving our 100% all the time. Yet, most of us fail to finish our tasks or reach our goals. We are told by people to work harder and always hustle. In fact, we can not improve our performance by working harder consistently.  

In this podcast, we are going to find out how to improve our performance without pushing ourselves too hard? What is it that we need to do so that we can relax and still be able to achieve our goals?

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Carl Lewis is one of the world’s greatest athletes of all time.
His career started in 1979 to played till 1996. And he is one of the very few who won nine gold medals and one silver medal in the Olympics. Also, he won ten world championship medals including eight gold medals. 

Surprisingly, Carl Lewis was not a good starter.
He used to be behind his competitors at the halfway mark in a 100-meter race. But instead of hurrying up and pushing himself forward, he was looking relaxed. Still, he used to win. This is how he won not one but 9 Olympic gold medals.  He was not pushing hard and his breathing would not even change. He was often misunderstood that he is not putting effort. He was putting in controlled efforts and he was winning because of it.

We also believe in working at our full potential and giving our 100% all the time.
Yet, most of us fail to finish our tasks or reach our goals. We are told by people to work harder and always hustle. In fact, we can not improve our performance by working harder consistently. In this podcast, we are going to find out how to improve our performance without pushing ourselves too hard? What is it that we need to do so that we can relax and still be able to achieve our goals? Let’s find out.

Adidas introduced the miCoach tracking chip in the shoes of the famous footballer from Argentina, Lionel Messi.
The chip could track certain things like how much ground Messi has covered on the soccer pitch and how fast he was moving and how far he was running. Adidas put this chip in Messi’s shoes during a match between Argentina and Germany in 2012. Messi scored a goal and Argentina beat Germany by 3 to 1. The most interesting study found that in a 90 minutes game, where most football players except the goalkeeper cover the distance of 12-15 km per match, Messi covered only 8.5 km.

He also did not even cover half of the ground.
And still, he made an impact in that match. When he was analysed, it was found that he was not even running most of the time. Instead, he walked 70% of the time during the match. Yes, he almost walked during the match.  He was tasted another time when he was playing for the Barcelona team. In a match against Real Madrid, he walked 80% of the time and ran only 5% time, and yet, he scored the goal and brought victory to Barcelona. 

What did Messi do?
He did not waste his energy. He was saving his precious energy most of the time to use when it needs the most. He was perfectly utilising his energy. We all are doing wrong when we do time management. We focus on managing our tasks against time and it’s wrong. We all have a physical or mental battery that releases the energy when we want. And the energy is always limited in our body, just like our laptop or mobile phone.

If we work consistently using our full energy, we get exhausted.
Hence, we can’t find the energy when we need the most. As discussed earlier in this podcast, the famous athlete Carl Lewis used the same technique. A coach of Carl Lewis studied him and found that Carl was using 85% of his energy most of the time. When you work with 80-85% of the capacity, your mind and body are relaxed. As a result, you perform better.

Find a balance in using your energy.
Use only 85% of your energy. If you use 100% of your energy, you will feel exhausted and it can lead to physical injury as well as enormous mental stress.  This can lead to poor performance. You should the same in your daily life and business because it works.

If you use 100% of your limit, you won’t have enough room to grow and find better creative ideas or solutions.
Because to find creative ideas and solutions, you need some room in your mind and body to create them. You need to find the free time to work with relax. When we have relaxed and unhurried culture and work system, we can increase our output and performance. You can never perform better by pushing yourself too hard.

Focus on using 85% of your energy instead of 100%.
Sometimes you need to be lazy to be more productive and to be creative. Say ‘No’ to things that suck your energy and relax. This will help you find ways to increase efficiency in your life. That’s what we need to aim for.

Read next: You need to slow things down to make your journey to your goals smoother.

Find out, Why going slow is good even if the others around you going fast?

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